Saturday, May 19, 2007

A colourful wish...

In the blink of an eye

time passes by

In our lifetime,

we come across paths

some treacherous

and some easy.

While wandering about

I met you

And I thought

Would you be there till the end?

We became friends

and we are still

We had our fights

and we shared our laughs

Cried together and

seen it through

And there's nothing better

that I could do today

Than to wish you

Happy Birth Day

This is your day

Enjoy it the most you can

And this is my wish for you

as colourful as you are..

May the sun smile on you during the day

May the moon guide you through the darkest nights

and the stars shine throughout your life

With loads of love and huggies
plus a tint of laugh...
to my deer Kampi


Iya said...

noooooooooo!!! colours!! TOO.. MANY.. COLOURS!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!

that was fun. *ahem*

a very "sweet and happy" poem... its "nice". hehehe very cool. althought the colors nearly burned my eyes.

Nynaeve Al' Meara said...

What better way to wish a colourful friend, right? hehehehe...didnt mean to burn any eye's in the process..sorry:)
Thank's for the comment:)