Monday, June 25, 2007

Walk of Life...

As I walk alone
Through the mystery of life
I felt eyes follow my every step
Heard voices that tried to guide me
Though no one would accompany me,
In the dire times that I needed a hand
To help me through it all
I never felt like giving up
I walked alone in anguish
In silence and in thought
With tears streaking down my face
Observing everyone around me
Learning and cherishing
And somewhere along the winding road
Dreams started to colour my path
Hope filled my empty heart
Faith lifted my spirit up
With all these friends beside me
I held them close to me,
Never letting them out of my sight
And I don't walk alone anymore...


Iya said...

totall not fair... "as i walk alone" is the opening line from one of MY poems... i guess great minds think alike, dhoa.

good to see ur back. visit soon. i'll have something up, hopefully...

Nynaeve Al' Meara said...

hehehe...well, what can I say, takes one to know one!
Thanks for dropping by Iyasan...hope is one of the key ingredients in see you around!


One should not even mention that one's poem is heart warming and delightful as one's blog.

One has been touched.

Anyways cheers