Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm letting go...

What have I been doing? Please forgive me!
Been ignoring you lately, neglecting you each and everyday
by any means suppressing your thoughts.
Its not that I don't remember you
not that I don't think about you

I just couldn't bring myself to embrace you
cos its been so long
I've forgotten how much you ease my pain
How you held my hand through all the hard times
and shared my happiness

You reach for me everyday and I walk away not thinking twice
You never left my side, always in a blinks reach
though I acted blind.
I left you somewhere and forgot my way back to you
Its been so long but I took a step
with my eyes closed, heavyhearted

How did I ever think I could live without you,
We are one, you and I, that's for sure
How I missed you so, Oh how I missed you so
I was reluctant to see you, to be near you
almost tore me apart, all those emotions
that I've been holding back came slowly
my face shook and my heart cried

I dared not look away, the past flashed in front of me
I went down on my knees and embraced you tightly
I found you finally, feels so good to be with you again
don't let me go that far again
I accept that I craved for you though I didn't try harder
even if it killed me inside

Now I know how it feels like to live without you,
I don't want to be that empty anymore or ever
You'll be with me always, its natural
I wont be ashamed cos you're a part of me
in making me who I am today
I thank God for you
you are my closest friend, my savior, my healer

Yes, believe it my dearest
I don't want to hold back anymore...
I'm letting my guard down after all this time
I'm letting be with you

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