Saturday, February 3, 2007

Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow

" Which would you pick, if any, from yesterday, today and tomorrow?"

I came across the above question recently and I thought I'll share my view with you all.

If is not real in our everyday lives, yet its a quite frequent word used by everyone. Like for instance take this, "What if i studied harder, would I have made it for a scholarship?" or " What if I said no, would he/she still be there in my life?"

If's cant change anything nor turn back time but we all consider it once or twice or more in our lifetime. Its not as bad as you think to say if, like what if i could fly, isn't that a happy little thought? sure is. Just think of all the wonders you could create.

With If's you can consider many possibilities and finally chose the best resolution.

Coming back to the question, if I could chose from yesterday, today or tomorrow, I would chose yesterday. Its not that I want to change my actions or correct it, It was the colour that solved the problem. You must be thinking whats colour got to do with yesterday???

Before explaining myself, lets ponder on today, some people may chose today since they are happy the way things are going in there life. Well, good for them.

How about tomorrow, who would pick that? Believe me when i say this, there are people who cant wait for tomorrow to come, to achieve something that they've been longing for, to see what happens next? Curious aren't we all...
Ofcourse theres the answer, Non, I wont pick any for I don't care on If's. hehehehe, whats the fun in life without if's.

At last, let me explain my answer, Its just a flower!!!

Yesterday today and tomorrow's flowers ( Brunfelsia pauciflora ) are purple when they first bloom. Then as time passes by, they fade through a sequence of blues and lavenders until they are pure white.

" Wisdom begins with wonder"

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